Demonic possession is usually not what it is portrayed to be in movies.
On my spiritual journey I had to dive deeply through my energy system. I stumbled over hindrances that just couldn't be overcome.
I already had profound spiritual experiences and insights, yet I was struggling with some thought patterns, emotions and energies that I couldn't transform.
I went through my energy system and had to cut energy ties with living people and with dead relatives. It is true: some beings do not enter the light when they die. And often they possess the energy system of a relative and try to live through them.
But that is not the topic I want to go into now.
I realized after some tough energy work, that there were even worse entities possessing and using my system.
They were trying to block me from my freedom and from my power. They didn't want me to see the truth and most of all, they wanted me to suffer. Demons drink the energy of human suffering in. It is their pleasure, to feel our suffering.
I would like to point out, that there are many misconceptions about demonic possession. One of them is, that people who are possessed do evil things. This is not true. Maybe in some cases that can happen, if the person who is possessed already has some dark personality traits or weaknesses. But this is not what I want to discuss here right now.
I want to only focus on those cases now, where demons possess people who don't commit evil deeds.
In my experience, in the most cases a demonic possession leads to self-loathing, extreme self-doubt, self-abuse and even suicide.
Being possessed by a demon makes you partially lose control over your own free will and your life. They even control your external circumstances and lead you into situations and towards people who are horribly toxic for you. They manipualte your energy system and attract terrible things into your life. And when those things happen to you, they will surround you with people who blame you for your misfortune. You are not only being victimized, but also victim- blamed. And on top of it, the worst part of the demonic work is, that you even blame yourself and then go into this torturous cycle of self-loathing.
A demon possessing your system will also put even more salt into your wounds, by leading you towards the wrong therapists, the wrong books and the wrong spiritual teachers.
For a demon it is not enough to only make you suffer incredibly. A demon has to add a lot of spite and derision to it. So that you suffer unbearably. And ultimately it makes you believe that it isn't even there and it is all your own fault.
In my experience, common spiritual teachings can be extremely dangerous and spiteful.
It is all about how your external life circumstances are all your own responsibilty. About how you attract what is inside of you and when you are sad or angry, it is all just your „ego“. Everything you inwardly experience is supposed to be your so- called „ego“.
This is poison!
Let me cut it short here and go into how demons possess human energy systems.
In my experience, they can enter through any chakra.
A very effective way for them to enter our systems deeply, is through rape and sexual abuse.
This way they can deeply possess us on all levels, emotionally, mentally, energetically, physcially.
But even narcissistic abuse can lead to such possessions.
Especially through gaslighting. When the brain is in a lot of confusion and is very vulnerable and unprotected. When we are in self-denial and mental chaos, these demons can enter through our upper chakras.
Especially children can fall prey to demons easily. If you grew up in a very abusive household, when you were a child and your energy system was still very vulnerable and open and you had little to no defense mechanisms, it is very easy for them to enter.
Actually any kind of trauma that causes a certain „hole“ inside your energy system, can be an open door for a demon. Emotional, psychological, physical and sexual trauma.
In some cases a heavy usage of drugs can also leave your system very unprotected and defenseless to such attacks. But in most cases, the people who overuse drugs already had some deeper trauma earlier in their life.
I finally want to mention, that over the years I heard some religious people claim, that if you're a good person and believe in god, demonic possession cannot happen to you.
That is just another very unfair and spiteful accusation that has nothing to do with the truth.
In fact, some of the best and most innocent people of history struggled with demonic possession.
I would even claim that demons prefer attacking very innocent and also divinely powerful people, because first of all, they have a high quality energy to steal from and "godly" people are dangerous to the demons in this world. And by possessing their systems, demons make sure, that these powerful people never realize their divine potential and purpose and never become a threat to the demons, who run this world.