I am neither a psychologist, nor an intellectual.
I don't read books and I am not a parrot who repeats other people's words.
I am talking from my own life experience on a physical and spiritual level.
By the physical level I mean my external life circumstances that I grew up in as a child.
And the circumstances that surrounded me as a young adult.
My soul chose this path through hell, to evolve and to be a torch for humans, who are yet not able to see that the world is full of demons.
Demons who possess human energy systems and demons who have their own human bodies.
There is a difference between that, into which I may go into another time.
I went through hell for decades and it was hard work to develop my psychic abilities and to become a vessel for the light.
Many demons entered my system through years of sexual abuse and psychologial abuse and physical and emotional violence. They tried to block me from realizing the truth. They tried to blind me and bind me. They tried to destroy my life and victimize me.
They knew, if I knew, it would be their doom.
The more we know about them, the less power they have on this earth.
But god is my companion and my master and I received tons of light to be able to walk this brutal path through the deepest layers of hell.
Dante was right so often with his layers (or circles) of hell. I have gone through these layers myself and am still standing in the midst of hell.
And I want to report some truths that were revealed to me, during years of hard work.
I am seeing all the demonic work in the world and I am seeing the demons in people.
I can even see, when people literally are demons themselves.
There are tons of dangerous spiritual teachings out there and psychological assumptions, that everyone is ultimately a being of god and a being of light.
But it is not true. We don't have to love and accept everyone. We don't have to see the good in everyone.
I made this mistake for lifetimes and ended up murdered, raped, burned, abused, again and again.
It is very dangerous to tell people that there is no evil and that if someone acts evil, they are only poorly conditioned and we are even emotionally blackmailed into feeling pity for the people who rape and exploit us and ruin our lives.
Just because everything is within god, doesn't mean god is within everything.
There are humans who get diagnosed with personality disorders. But there are two types of personality „disorders“ that are inhuman and have nothing to do with psychology.
These two disorders are narcissism and psychopathy.
Narcissists are demons.
This has nothing to do with a psychological condition.
It has nothing to do with their childhoods or wounds or trauma or anything else.
There are tons of people out there who had horrible childhoods and they never harmed anyone else.
They only harm themselves after a life of abuse. And that is a huge difference.
Also there are siblings who grew up in the same family dynamic and received the same treatment and one is a narcissist and the other is the opposite of that.
And regarding reincarnation, I can assure you that narcissism is not a childhood wound.
Narcissist were already narcissists in their past lives.
I know by experience tons of examples.
They will never evolve or change.
And their energy cannot be transformed by the light of god.
The only thing they will do, is changing their techniques of abuse because the laws in society have changed over the last centuries. So their hands are bound more and more, because humans have evolved.
Their abuse techniques had to become subtler and subtler, so that they are legally adjusted.
It is very unfair that narcissists can get through life without evolving, without paying for their evil deeds.
I know , just as one small example, that one woman who worked in a concentration camp during WW2 and slapped other womens breasts so hard, that they had to be taken off, has been one of the most popular super models for a while. I haven't heard from her since some time, I don't know if she still is.
I will not drop that name.
This is not what I call justice.
But it is up to you as human beings, to see those things too.
To evolve, to be able to look into these deeper levels of existence, beyond the physical realm.
Beyond the intellect.
It is your responsibilty to not praise the wrong people and to not give power to the darkness in this world.
But I know it is very tricky.
Narcissists are demons, petty little twisted slaves to the devil.
Actually in my experience, there are several devils in hell.
I would even claim that these so- called kings of hell are all devils.
But there is one ultimate devil.
And you may be surprised, because he is actually a lazy and mentally weak coward.
But he has all his little minions to do his work.
He is a master of deception and nothing more. He is thin, hot air.
And he is different from his demonic minions.
His demons are more „emotional“. Not emotional in a human sense.
Demons are overburdened with their existence within the human body.
They can't handle their human energy system. The energy system is very complex and it was created by god for his people to use these complex bodies as a reflection for themselves. As a mirror for their own creation and as a tool for self- realization.
And it may have come to your ears, that self-realization is what is the most horrible nightmare for narcissists.
That is why they cannot stand and handle their emotional and mental bodies.
And they have no connection to god's source, that is why they need to cling to god's people, to drain energy from them. They are not self- sufficient.
So the demon struggels with his emotional body, whereas the psychopath has pushed his emotional body out of his energy system.
It has gone utterly black and it just either follows him like a shadow or it has settled into someone else's energy system. Trust me, I have seen it clearly.
I have seen both versions.
In my experience psychopaths are devils.
They seem emotionally less aroused and less instable. Of course, not in a mature and healthy way. But in a deeply dangerous and sick way.
That is because they have pushed their whole emotional body aside.
They appear much less irritable than their demonic minions.
They work less and they do not obey.
You might think that devils are more intelligent. I thought so for a while, too.
But they are not.
The deeper I went into the matter, the more I realized that their only capability is to imitate human behaviour and due to their lack of emotions, they appear like calm alpha types and become world leaders. Fortunately, more in the past than now.
I am glad it got less.
I know who some of the world's worst leaders and dictators and their followers are in this life.
And they haven't changed a bit.
The only difference is, that meanwhile finally these devils don't get that power anymore in the society that they used to get.
So what is called a narcissist is actually a demonic minion for the devil, called a psychopath.
You might think that they are a good network and a dream team.
They might work together against humanity, but they hate each other as well.
They trigger each other as well and amongst each other, they have even worse power struggles, than they have with us.
Finally, I would like to introduce you to a „liminal being“. I mean someone who is on a threshold between being a demon and a devil.
I met her in one of the lower layers of hell.
She can act like a psychopath, cold blooded and calm, but she can also be a highly psychotic, hyper- emotional, insane creep that kills her own children and becomes very overtly aggressive.
She is highly seductive and cunning. She imitates innocence and victimhood and she likes being a parasitic money sucker. Men love her.
She might appear as a pretty woman, as long as she is still young, in her human body.
But she usually ages poorly, because she has no life source. In the spiritual realm she is not pretty at all. I saw her. Her body is skinny and veiny and boney. She has no hair and she has wings of transparent flesh with all the veins shining through. Her eyes are like holes of hell, sucking your life force out of you and leaving you with her energy.
She, at first glance, creates pitty within you and when she has your empathy, she deeply possesses your system and destroys your life.
Even though she is very well at seducing men, she also sometimes prefers women.
She often becomes very abusive of children, when her physical appearance fades and she can't abuse grown men anymore.
She also likes sexually abusing her own sons.
She is both, a demon , but also very close to a devil already.
That is why I call her a „liminal“ being.
Maybe one day I will paint her.
But right now I am still too touched and freaked out by the disgustingness of this creature.
It is a very tough road throug hell and spirituality is truly not what a lot of idiots try to sell it as.
It is not peace and harmony and positive thinking.
The path to enlightenment is a path through the ugliest realms of hell and it is no path for weaklings who seek pleasure and entertainment.
What humans must do against demonic forces, is not to pitty them. For often their way to enter our energy system, if it is not due to childhood abuse, is through empathy.
Humans have to develop discernment and clarity. Not only psychological boundries, but deep energetic boundries. It is not enough to understand this thing intellectually. You have to become aware of the deepest inner energy systems, of this complex mechanism.
Only this way, the energetic transfer can be interrupted and the demons are being choked to death.
They cannot thrive on this earth without human energy.
You may be surprised how weak these creatures actually are.
When they were in my system, feasting on my energy, they felt like horribly scary creatures. As soon as they were driven out, they deflated and became like nothing.
And I realized that I made them powerful, unwillingly.