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Jezebel versus Lilith - 2 types of demonic women (overt and covert)

Updated: Jun 6, 2021

On my spiritual journey I had to learn that not everyone who looks human is human.

We always hear that we shouldn't demonize other people and that everyone is a being of god and light.

In my experience that is not true.

Some demons do not possess human beings, but some demons have their own human bodies.

For the untrained eye, this is not visible.

But for me, being psychic and having grown up amongst demons and demonic forces, it became more and more obvious each day of my life.

On my journey I had to encounter several demons. And amongst them were two of the female ones, whose names are well known: Lilith and Jezebel

I would like to now point out some differences between the two of them.

Jezebel is the more active and working type. She is almost as seductive and sexually manipulative as Lilith, but she also has other interests. She handles things more like men would do, more overtly and aggressive. Political power and money are very important to her. Unlike Lilith, she doesn't have a problem with earning the money she desires by herself. For getting the power and money she wants, she rather uses oppression and violence, trickery and imposture instead of sexuality. She has no problem with getting credit for other people's work. She has no problem with betrayal and even murder.

Not to confuse with healthy women, who are successful and wealthy by honest work and doing something they are truly capable of and which means something to them and who sincerely worked for what they achieved.

Jezebel has no common sense and she isn't sincere in anything she does. Her one and only goal is to have money and power with the goal of using it against humanity, instead of using it for the benefit of humanity.

Her ways of getting there are never honest or fair and never based on competence. Her win must be everyone elses loss.

If Jezebel appears on the physical realm in the shape of a human being, she is a female overt narcissist. I find her often to appear within a man's body as well.

Not all powerful women are Jezebels. Power can be used for good as well. But unfortunately in our society, still those rulers who didn't abuse their power, are not seen as such. And still the evil emperors who never got enough and fought wars just to oppress more and more people, are still the ones who are admired the most and fascinate people.

Probably humanity just doesn't deserve any good leaders therefore.

Lilith on the other side, doesn't care too much about getting her own power and money. She is fine with seducing and manipulating powerhungry and rich men. She then portrays herself as an innocent hyper feminine and passive woman in the background.

Liltih always has this immature childlike attitude and she always expects men to take care of her like a baby. She is completely dependent but externally pretends to be the embodiment of feminism.

She is talking about women's rights and independence, but at the same time uses her sexuality to manipulate men. She often doesn't earn her own money and depletes men, not only financially, but also energetically. As all demons, she thrives on human energies. But mostly on sexual energies.

I would say that Lilith could be put into the category of a succubus.

Just that she is even worse.

Lilith is not like Jezebel. Lilith is much more sexual and passive.

She is subtly abusing her victims and in the beginning it is hard to realize that she is abusive at all. Because she is always putting up this childlike and hypersexual behaviour, which is paradoxic itself, Because children shouldn't have anything to do with sex.

But men seem to like it.

I have recently thought that probably Lilith ruined human men so badly, that because of her men became sexually obsessed with youth and children.

She is the evil witch in fairytales who likes to bathe in the blood of virgins to keep herself younger.

Lilith usually doesn't like to work and she often drains men's bank accounts.

Not to confuse with healthy women who are truly loving and kind and give back love and care to their husbands. Women who decide to be mothers and have to stay at home or women who just stay at home and are being provided by their husbands out of love.

With Lilith it is different, she is never pleased and never grateful. She always wants more and she sometimes has to have several men, so that all her sexual and monetary needs can be fulfilled.

In my eyes Lilith is represented by the female covert narcissist within the human form.

Men always complain that women only like assholes.

But why does no one ever talk about that men love demonic cunts?

Good women are either utterly invisible to men or they are even worse, being confused with danergous women. Because men got so used to this toxic femininity.

That is how deeply these demons have twisted male perception.



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