On our spiritual path most of us seek for guidance and help in the external world.
We stumble over several teachers and gurus.
And sometimes these people seem to make everything worse.
Instead of freeing your mind, they enslave it to a new belief system. To theirs.
They don't only enslave you to their belief system, but also make you believe that you depend on them.
They make you believe that your spiritual development is in their hands.
Some of these people only have a very strong power of words, they are eloquent and seem to truly have understood certain spiritual truths. They offer quick fixes and tell you to „just don't think“. Or to not take your emotions seriously because everything is an illusion. They urge you into bypassing all the negativity that is stored within all our systems, due to karma and genetic information, which contains a lot of drama and trauma. All the effects of war and abuse over thousands and thousands of years, are stored inside our systems.
This cannot be bypassed.
But they promise you to never suffer again and that you can achieve anything you want and that they hold the key to your absolution and enlightenment.
And that is how they bind people.
And if you fail to be happy all the time or something bad happens to you, they claim that you attracted it.
This is spiritual shaming and abuse.
Any misfortune or trauma you experience will make you a spiritual loser.
And due to your guilt you will feel even more attached to this „master“ because you still think he holds the key to free you from your miseries.
So the bonding gets deeper. And born is the vicious cycle.
Worse than the eloquent and charismatic teacher is the one with „siddhis“.
Some gurus even have a very strong presence and certain powers, so that they can reach into our energy systems and one starts to feel some kundalini blow outs.
And this is when it gets tricky.
As an unexperienced person, we think that someone who is capable of awakening these energies, or at least at shaking them up, they have to be a true master.
But how can it be that such people steal other people's life savings, abuse, lie, manipulate and ruin peoples lives?
They brainwash and gaslight. They scare people and emotionally blackmail us into fearing that, in case we choose to leave, our spiritual journey would be over.
We wonder how it can be, that these people have these intellectual understandings and these tremendous powers, but behave so cold and inhuman.
We wonder how they can have no empathy and talk about infinte love at the same time.
In my experience there is such a thing as psychopathic spiritual teachers and gurus.
If people with an incomplete energy system go through „awakening“, this might be the result of it.
With an „incomplete or disintegrated energy system“ , I mean, that layers of their energy system are missing. Or have been bypassed.
Even though bypassing usually wouldn't make someone psychopathic.
It is the complete rejection of an energy layer that causes this phenomenon.
As you might know, we all have several energy bodies. And one of them is the emotional body.
I have seen, that in psychopaths in general, this energy body has slipped out of the system.
They pushed it away, which is much worse than bypassing.
So if these people have any awakening processes going on, their whole emotional body won't go through it, because it is not within their system.
They only become enlightened on the mental level. And maybe on others as well. But not on the emotional level. Which is usually the hardest one to go through on the path.
I bet many people would like to skip this part..
It seems that their enlightenment is a very partial and more intellectual experience.
It is very unfortunate, but this is how the world is.
And many people feel attracted to this type of people.
Not only in spirituality, but also in politics and other fields.
Quick fixes and pain avoidance are always seductive to people.
And so are power and fame.
If you want to learn more about the spiritual causes for psychopathy, you can read my article with the title „ Psychopathy – a spiritual insight“
Despite the frauds that exist in this world, there are still some good teachers and gurus out there.
And the good ones will always guide you through your fears and unconscious nightmares.
They will point towards each one of your negative energies and make sure that you are not bypassing anything.
They will neither take away your life savings, nor destroy your family or shame you for your misfortune.
Most of all, they will not make you dependent on them, but lead you towards your freedom and independence.