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Satanism, black magic & ritual abuse - a spiritual insight

The human energy system can be manipulated for good and for bad. Good gurus or spiritual teachers can close or open chakras in ways, that are helpful for us to learn certain lessons or have certain insights and experiences.

This is a good way of energetic manipulation and it usually comes with an awareness of the person whose system is being worked upon. When a teacher does such a thing, the disciple will notice the energetic changes.

With negative manipulation, this is not the case.

Black magic and ritual abuse usually work well on people who are spiritually unaware. And with „spiritually aware“, I don't mean people who read about spirituality and live in a fantasy world, I mean people who are deeply aware of the mechanisms of their energy system. And those aren't many.

Black magic works in different ways. It can either use demons to possess people or it can put implants into the human system. It also can build energy ties between people and establish an energy exchange, that has disadvantages for the victim and advantages for the satanist.

It can even be, that the practitioner exchanges entire energy bodies with his victim. The practitioner can then steal, for expample huge parts or the entire astral layer of another person. What also often happens, is that the practitioner puts his negative energies into somebody else's system.

Black magic is often claimed to be used as a revenge. But in my opinion, it is mostly used out of envy. And the perceived injustice that has been done to the „poor satanist“ is often just an illusion. People who do such things are usually people with dark personality traits, who are often themselves very demonic.

Black magic fortunately often doesn't work. Especially nowadays.

But there used to be times in human history, where they had rituals that worked very efficiently.

I have learnt on my spiritual path, that black magic only works due to the white light. The devil and demons have no power. It is not like there are powerful white light and powerful dark forces fighting each other. All the power that dark entities have, is stolen energy from god's people. And they get that energy by manipulating their systems. So actually the white light functions as a battery for the devil and the demons. So ultimately, they are using our own energies against us. Black magic is merely a diversion of energies or a blocking of energies.

And they are capable to do so, only because most humans are not aware of their energy system. We don't protect our inner „battery“.

These rituals couldn't have been invented, without someone having had insights into the spiritual realms and its subtle and complex mechanisms. Someone reversed all these divine mechanisms and used them against god's people. And these techniques were written down and passed on. But I think many of these ancient techniques have been forgotten.

And I want to point out, that people who use it nowadays, are usually not even aware of what they are doing. They just read something and follow some guidelines. But they themselves actually have no clue how and why it works. (If it works at all)

Black magic can last over thousands of years. We can be reborn into the same energy system a thousand times, until we figure it out. You can still be cursed by a curse that someone put on you 900 years ago. These rituals can close or twist chakras, steal energy patterns, put energy patterns into places where they don't belong, put blockages into systems, and so many other things.

But even though these things can last a long time, they cannot ultimately last forever. At one point in time, beings will awaken and their energy systems will be cleansed and restructured.

And then, automatically, there will be order again and everything will flow back to where it belongs.

No matter how bad the consequences may be, black magic is ultimately not powerful itself, all it does, is to create chaos. But this chaos can never be permanent.

And at the end, there are spiritual realms that cannot be touched or manipulated by anything. And these realms will always work in the background and restore and replenish everything.

Black magic isn't always some intentional ritual. Psychological, emotional and sexual abuse are having the same effect on a person's energy system like satanistic rituals. Some people are practitioners of satanism without being aware of it.



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