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The psychopath and social work - a spiritual insight

Before I start, I want to make sure that I am not saying that social workers are psychopaths.

I will be talking about how psychopaths feel very drawn to social jobs due to their thirst for suffering.

And I am never speaking on any topic from a logical standpoint.

I am always speaking spiritually, from my own insights and life experience.

I am a spiritual being and not a psychologist. Neither do I read statistics, nor books.

I see.

Deeper than the human mind perceives.

Psychopaths thrive on human suffering.They smell it like a shark smells blood.

They need it.

It is not only their pleasure to consume it, but also their urgent need.

It is a deep energetic process that most people are not aware of. The energy that is emitted by human suffering is a fuel and basic need for psychopaths.

The psychopath has much subtler techniques than the narcissist. He or she is much more cunning.

Appears much more calm, charming and mature, much more reasonable and stable.

The perfect neighbour, the perfect collegue, the perfect social worker.

They know moral standards by heart and love to rebuke others.

They often claim to never be envious or angry. They are the perfect person.

They imitate empathy, but one can always sense their lack of empathy, but never clearly put one's finger onto it..

Sometimes they expose themselves unwillingly, by making some obviously cold and detached comments in absolutely heart-wrenching situations.

One can sense some hints now and then, but their hardcore catalogue of moral standards makes one question one's own perception about this person.

They often seem to help others, but one can feel that they don't empathize with the people they help and they are never touched by the misery around them. They always remain hyper positive.

They often praise suffering as something holy and tell deeply suffering people to „stay positive“ and „be grateful for life“.

But as soon as one small inconvenience happens to them, they can't handle it at all.

Suffering is for others, not for them. Suffering is for others, so that they can help.

With little tickles and provocations and a lot of salt in the wounds, they trigger tormented people into self- hate, self-blaming and even suicide.

But all under the pretense of political correctness and altruism, even spirituality.

Often psychopaths love watching crime shows, reading psycho thrillers and working in environments, where there is a lot of suffering around them and a huge wide open vulnerabilty of helpless people.

I am not saying that everyone who watches crime shows is a psychopath or that social workers are.

I am also not saying that helping others and educationg yourself about the suffering that goes on in the world, makes you one.

Hospitals, homes, asylums, help organizations, in all those places you will find some psychopaths.

There, where people are lonely, physically, emotionally and mentally vulnerable, traumatized, dependent, broken and wounded, suffering, there they will find their feast.

They will be masked and act professional, while inhaling others suffering and after their shift go home and entertain themselves with other people's suffering in forms of entertainment again.

Empathetic people also do these things now and then, but they will suffer and cry amongst other people's suffering. They will lock themselves away for days and need time to digest everything.

A psychopath will be smiling, will be super happy, it gives him or her energy.

Of course there is also a huge difference between „passive and active psychopaths“. ( I just call them like that.)

Or actually I don't think there are even a hundred percent passive ones. They will at least behind closed doors and without witnesses, trigger some wounded people verbally to squeeze out some more suffering.

Even if it is very subtle.

Those psychopaths are not the slaughtering or raping type.

A lot of these what I call „passive psychopaths“ are busy in these social work spaces.

But even the active psychopaths who become physically violent, work there.

We sometimes hear about brutal nurses who slaughter babies, or kill people on purpose with the wrong medication, caretakers who rape and beat up disabled, sick or old people.

Wherever there is a huge amount of suffering there you will find the psychopath.

The narcissist also thrives on suffering energy, but also on people's delightful and positive energies.

The narcissist is less common to work in social jobs, because it would be too much effort for him or her. But you can often find them wherever they can make a good impression, for example with donating money or speaking some nicely shaped hypocritical words publicly, so they can polish their self-image, without having to invest too much effort.

Of course not everyone who helps other people does it out of evil reasons, but out of true compassion.

But humans have to learn to discern and become aware of some of these cunning tricks and disguises.



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